The International Conference on Judicial Independence, Vienna, Austria 2011
​Hebrew University of Jerusalem University of Cambridge
The Harry and Michael Sacher Institute Center of Public Law
for Legislative Research and Comparative Law
Tentative Program
International Project of Judicial Independence
Culture of Judicial Independence:
Judicial Independence – Essential Element for Economic Order
University of Vienna, 19-21 May, 2011
Thursday, 19th May, 2011:
Session I – Opening Session and
Launching of the volume: Culture of Judicial Independence, Shetreet and Forsyth eds.
Chair – Prof. Dr. Walter Rechberger, University of Vienna.
Dean of Faculty of law, University of Vienna
Prof. Christopher Forsyth, University of Cambridge
Prof. Shimon Shetreet, Hebrew University of Jeursalem
Prof. Wang Guiguo, Dean ,Faculty of Law , Hong Kong City University (tentative)
Keynote Speaker – International Scholar: Prof. Sir Louis Blom-Cooper Q.C., Oxford University – Reflections on the House of Lords and the UK Supreme Court.
Keynote Speaker – Prof. Georg Kodek, Judge of the Austrian Supreme Court.
Friday, 20th May, 2011
Venue: Senatssitzungssaal (Vienna University Main Building, Vienna I, Dr. Karl Lueger Ring 1)
Session II – Transition and Current Issues
Chair – Prof. Christopher Forsyth, University of Cambridge
1. Prof. Anton Cooray, University of Hong Kong
2. Prof. Maura Hametz, Old Dominion University -A Widow’s Dilemma: Facing Fascist Administrative Justices in Mussolini’s Italy
3. Justice Tassaduq Hussain Jillani
4. Prof. Bertie Bass -Personal misconduct of a judge
5. Prof. Avrom Sherr, Director .Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London- Judicial independence in the post financial crisis era
11:30 – 13:30:
Session III – Mt. Scopus Revisions
Chair – Prof. Shimon Shetreet, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
1. Prof. Jonathan Entin – Administrative Judges
2. Prof. Roberto Toniatti, University of Trento -Suparnational Judges
3. Dato' Dr. Cyrus Das, HELP University College, Malaysia -Judicial Independence in Developing Democracies
3a. . Prof. HP Lee, Monash University.
4. Prof. Shimon Shetreet, Hebrew University of Jerusalem-Supranational Judges
14.30 – 16.30:
Session IV – Judgments, Advisory opinions, Practice Statements and Judicial General Guidance Decisions
Chair – Prof. Marcel Storme, Institute of Procedural and European Law.
1. Prof. Maimon Schwarzschild, University of San Diego -How We Judge The Judges
2. Mr. Paul Morris QC, York ,UK-Practice directions
3. Prof. Dr. hab. Fryderyk Zoll, University of Cracow.
4. Dr Amnon Reichman ,Haifa University
5. Adv Eli Bentovim ,Jerusalem
Saturday, 21st May, 2011

Venue: Senatssitzungssaal (Vienna University Main Building, Vienna I, Dr. Karl Lueger Ring 1)
9:30 – 11:30:
Session V – Judicial Independence: Essential Element for Economic Order
Chair – Prof. Neil Andrews , University of Cambridge
1. Adv. H.E. Markus Buechel, Senior Advocate , Lichtenstein – International arbitration
2. Adv. Andrea Danuser, Zurich
3. Professor Neil Andrews , University of Cambridge, -Commercial Arbitration Is No Unruly Horse: Standards Of Fairness And External Review
Prof Paul Oberhammer , University of Vienna
15:30 Post-conference trip